/// Jeremy Maluf
My lifestyle is far enough off the beaten path that I often have to lie about it to keep conversations short. I’ll address a few of those things here.
For the past decade I’ve only owned a phone, laptop, and a few changes of clothes. I travel pockets-only and live out of a small backpack.
I’m out from sunrise to midnight, walk 30,000 steps, and work out – every single day. I strongly believe that averaging 20k+ steps you’ll live a longer and healthier life than all other longevity advice combined.
I’m a self-taught generalist, college dropout, and have been self-employed all my life – from startup founder to [coming soon]. I grew up in California but now spend most of my time in NYC or on a plane.
More posts soon as I gain confidence to share my life online. Enter your email to be the first to read them.